ESG has never been more widely discussed, but the importance of demystifying this acronym beyond shareholders has been rarely mentioned. Generating profits and paying generous dividends is still the big goal, but how to achieve it, and by what means?


Stakeholders must be convinced, and their respect and admiration must be earned through consistency between the profit generated and the opportunities and value creation that people and the planet receive in return. The internal audience is strategic in this persuasion process and the ESG puts HR closer to people, not only by solving daily operational issues, but as an agent of change.


As a soccer team, it is useless to aspire to a more beautiful, pass- exchange, and more enjoyable game style if the team, inside the dressing room, does not buy into the idea, has not been trained to play that way, and is not physically and mentally prepared to embrace that style change.


Supported by ambitious objectives, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and validated by independent institutes, Prysmian Group has established clear, transparent, and feasible commitments to be a strategic player in the green, electric, and digital transformation of the planet. First, it has sought to frame the global guidelines regarding the reality of the regions of activity; and, in a region as complex and multicultural as Latin America, good governance, committee, and working group formation are essential to be more energetic. Aware of the level we are at and the level we want to reach, our focus is back on the road. It is right here where we dedicate ourselves to finding talents and preparing all those who are already with us to get there.


When compared to other regions, the Latin America division is the region where the Prysmian Group has trained and prepared its employees the most with significant indicators. Only in 2023, each professional received around 50 hours of training (average per capita), and we know that by the end of December, this number will be even higher.


Capacity building combines face-to-face and remote activities and involves programs ranging from a global point of view as professional development to a more specific one focused on the employee's field of activity. The commitment of our team is impressive, and this is reflected in the opportunities we can create for them.


One of the main focuses we have had during the year has been the development of our leaders. Several programs have been launched; the most outstanding are Legacy Leaders, in partnership with INSPER for professionals from Brazil, and Leadership Essentials, in partnership with The Tecnológico de Monterrey [Technological and Higher Studies Institute of Monterrey] in Mexico, for Spanish-speaking countries. Another recently launched program was Leadership Fundamentals, which focuses on leaders from operational areas. We understand that a leadership that is becoming increasingly prepared in soft skills provides the right working environment for the growth and development of all professionals. Leaders are responsible for building healthy, ethical, and non-judgmental environments (physical and emotional); they are also responsible for providing the highest commitment possible.

In addition to the training, we have also had several support and development programs for leaders, such as 180º Evaluation, mentoring, coaching, and Team Coaching, among others, which have contributed to the creation of individual development plans.


The focus on knowledge has also helped us bridge the digital inclusion gap, a common challenge for companies that their operations between manufacturing and back-office operations. Everyone needs to feel part of a common team and have the tools to achieve this. In this regard, we have also made great strides with the creation of Wi-Fi spaces within our operating units, as well as the use of systems like Workday, which allow our employees to interact with Prysmian digitally. Another form of digital inclusion is already being implemented in some countries in the region with Prysmian's new reward platform, GoPrysmian. From the first quarter of 2024, all countries will be connected on this platform to reward their professionals better and have more inclusive digital communication with all our 4,500 employees in the region.


Another valuable tool we use to understand the organizational climate is our Speak Up research, which we have conducted annually. We listen to the voices of our employees and implement several actions from the feedback we receive.


First class of Legacy Leaders - INSPER


Not only as Vice President of Human Resources but as leader of the Prysmian Welfare Committee in Latin America, we consolidate processes and actions to take care of our employees to ensure that they are physically and mentally prepared to fully develop their functions with specific plans for each country in which we operate.


The greatest ESG ambassador an organization can have is an employee who is trained and motivated to do what is needed with ethics and excellence without compromising their health, sanity, and family life. That is why our regional and country welfare committees continue to look for suggestions on how we can improve everyone's work environment.


¡Creemos que estamos en el camino correcto y sabemos que todavía tenemos un margen de mejora en algunos frentes, lo que nos motiva a continuar en la búsqueda de acciones para tener un Prysmian cada vez mejor para trabajar! #somosprysmian

Diseño y Desarrollo:Pixel Design Costa Rica
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