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New 5G Trends and Applied Products

10 Weeks
All levels
4 lessons
1 quiz
46 students

Around the world, economic growth, entertainment, employment, digital learning, and digital health are increasing, and they depend on fiber networks. Bandwidth has created new lifestyle choices and has stimulated economies everywhere. Governments and investors are increasingly discovering that access to high-speed communication networks is vital to homes, businesses, and rural and urban communities.
In cities, the population is dense, and most buildings are multi-dwelling units. The challenge is to distribute the fibers without causing breaks and always thinking about environmental impacts. On the other hand, properties are far apart in rural regions, and there is often little or no infrastructure.
Prysmian helps you select the right technology and create a solid business case, and it provides tools to professionally design, build, assess, and maintain the network while decreasing environmental impact.
In this course, you will find answers to today’s key concerns: How can we continue to support connectivity growth? How can we ease the pressure on an overloaded system while minimizing upgrade costs for mobile network operators? How do we ensure that the system remains stable, interoperable, and secure? In addition to products, telecommunications, and energy, they provide reduced costs, easy installation, and networks for future data demand.

Training in spanish with english subtitles.

Our business leaders are available to advise you on this solution or any other related to this issue:

Luis Yock

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Luis Yock, Eng.

With over 20 years of experience in the electrical sector and a professional career at Prysmian for more than a year in the Telecom business unit, Luis is an Electromechanical Engineer with knowledge in the area of energy and distribution.

3 responses to “Nuevas Tendencias 5G y Productos Aplicados”

  1. orilio gedeon dice:

    me gusta con ustedes

  2. Erica Milkius dice:


  3. Flora Padilla dice:

    Hola me gustaria aprender mas en inglés

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